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New Money or Death

Fiat Money & Real Freedom Can’t Co-Exist

Our Declaration of Independence clearly identifies our unalienable rights as free people, but it can never flourish in a world where privately-owned, for-profit, central bankers, co-exist.

It is fundamental for us to know and understand why adoption of sound money is the ONLY solution to restoring sound governance. We either have BOTH or we’ll live with neither honest government or real money.

The creation and adoption of fiat currency introduced the system by which all human activity, productivity and property could be measured, taxed and ultimately, extracted, in a manner designed to control and enslave all users of the system - even if users of the fiat currency system are completely (and perhaps, intentionally) left unaware of the issuer’s “terms and conditions.”

We must abandon use of privately-owned, issued and controlled, central bank fiat currencies, and replace their biased system with independent, nationally managed, sound money backed by hard assets and honest accounting practices. This change will usher in a fair, level playing field, the world over.

Private “money changers” will, if we permit them to, forever retain their iron-clad dominion over world governments and lord over our individual lives, with motives not aligned with the Great Issuer of our un-a-lien-able rights.

Below is an article outlining a far superior monetary system in its advanced stages of construction; a system disdained by the owners of the petro-dollar “world reserve currency” house of cards. | Rob Cunningham
The Path Forward to a Free Humanity
(Article originally published on In the fog of war, clarity and objectivity are usually the first to go. Placing all deceptions aside, we are enduring the most deadly, sophisticated, global war in history. The tactics are unconventional, the methods perverse and the warring opponents unlike any we’ve known. The weapons are lies, misinformation…
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