
Our ultimate survival has always rested with our military serving as our final authority.

The “buck of responsibility” can ultimately stop in only one location.

1) What is the originating document of our ultimate rights in America?

2) When were America’s original laws first documented?

3) Under what body of laws were America’s fundamental rights authorized and signed into creation?

4) What set of laws & rules came 12 years after our foundational laws?

5) The UCMJ grants We The People full lawful Authority and power to set aside ALL Governments destructive to self-evident truths and personal liberties granted by Constitution, recognized as originating from God.

6) No body of government or entity has or can invalidate or supercede our God given and UCMJ enshrined power.

A Government so infiltrated and consumed by debilitating corruption, unwilling to honor its founding charter, and incapable of serving any interest but its’ own narcissistic powerlust, must be abolished. It’s the most loving, noble and compassionate endeavor those who cherish human rights could ever seek to accomplish.

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