My non-lawyerly intuition tends to believe the SC may well adjudicate this with a 9-0 ruling based on a combination of factors: 1) sound law, 2) legacy preservation, 3) the path of least resistance to “restorative justice”, 4) UCMJ/military Command influence. 7 years before our victory of over the British, 12 years before we adopted our beloved Constitution, and even prior to the signing of our Declaration of Independence (an Act of War), the UCMJ was the original law that gave birth to our standing, rights & authority as a people to declare war against the King. It is our military law that underwrites our fundamental right to disband any government that becomes hostile or destructive to the preservation of our unalienable rights. My view is the jurisdiction & authority vested in military law supersedes that which the Supreme Court holds. The binding oath sworn by our highest ranking military Generals is to God, our Constitution & We the People. They operate within a more powerful, trustworthy, honorable & noble institution than 9 political appointees sitting on a swamp bench, with most justices having less than stellar consistency & many having serious conflicts of interest. My heartfelt, researched & reasoned view is the SC will accept the terms of a deal they’ve been presented by military leaders to help “fix this mess” -<OR> our Military Leaders will take a different path towards restoring our nation upon our founding principles (Exhibit A: Brazil). It's more than reasonable to assume there is tremendous evidence of SC Justice criminality, collusion, nefarious relationships and extremely dark skeletons in their closets which all would prefer stay locked away. The absolute path of least resistance for SC Justices is to "take the deal" - as all other options would be personally & professionally catastrophic.

Would love to hear your thoughts & feedback.

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The Supreme Court of this country, USA, has lost it's spine when it comes to doing the right thing. They bend to the loudest minority throwing the rest of the country under the bus.

The American majority has last respect for the highest institute in the United States of America.

This institution was never meant to make the law of the Land but to interpret the law. Read the Constitution. In this case they need to do the right thing to see if members of Congress were doing their job or dodging their responsibilities because they were to weak to stand up for what was the right thing to do.

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My mind just got blown up tonight when i first heard about this on the lindell report. I hope and pray to God the supreme court hears the case and all are found guilty. and kicked out of office. Thank you all for your countless hours of hard work to save our country.

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The Will of the Holy Spirit (ECK) will Prevail as sees fit - Truth will manifest always - May the Blessings BE!!

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I like what the Bronson brothers are doing I hope it does something good for the country and I also want to know if FBI director Wray committed perjury why isn't he in prison anybody else would be

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What is the Brunson brothers address? I want to send a donation

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Go to 7discoveries.com

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Hail Mary

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I am going to have every prayer warrior I know pray over this case. We are one Nation Under God. Wouldn't this be just amazing?

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I hope, pray and wish the nine supreme court justices have the strength and respect for fundamental human rights to make the right decision on January 6, 2023.

May God stand with them.

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The fact it originates from Ogden, Utah speaks volumes as to the financing and education possibilities. Don't you think?

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Why is that?

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I wouldn’t think that they would take the case to dispel nefarious acts by DNC. It must have merit or they wouldn’t bother. As Bill and Rob talked about in the video the Supreme Court only takes 200-300 cases a year out of the 4k to 7k they get (I think I got the numbers correct). 🙏🙏🙏.

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The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional and disinformation. President Trump gave me Q security clearance in the QResearch back channel four years ago. I was entrusted to expose the "swamp" due to corruption in the CIA,FBI and government. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving all the "declassified" documents and files. It took courage exposing all the names of government"swamp," and hollywood "elite," in Epstein's flight log. It took courage exposing Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island,caught on security camera ch11.I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a domestic terrorist.I am not a racist or antisemetic. I was chosen to serve my country and God above. It has always been about the children and precious blood.This is a 'silent' holy war of,good vs evil.The "swamp" got caught and we have everything.The election was rigged and the news is fake. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming🌹🦁🇺🇸#MAGA

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Well I have read the word of God and guess what? God Wins and he is in control of everything and at the end of the day GOD’S WILL shall be done!

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I admire the courage it took for these brothers to step up, but trying to get a complicit and compromised SC to "do the right thing" is like trying to make a tasty pie with rotten apples.

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The highest origin of law in our land resides above the Supreme Court. Original US law gave birth to our Army, Navy, Marines and then, our Declaration. Perhaps we’ve reached a litmus test for this Supreme Court? They either honor their binding oath, or answer to We the People?

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Nothing new - our similarly ignored by fake media case got docket # 20-974 an on March 19. 2021 conference was held and our complaint was denied. Why? SCOTUS did it WITHOUT explanation!!!! How dare and corrupt.

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What if SCOTUS is taking the case to dispell rumors of nefarious actions by the DNC?

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You are correct! That is exactly what this is about. End of issue.

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